Kollabor8, visual collective transformations.


The aesthetic consequences of collective projects deserve a specific study, which is still lacking in theoretical disciplines, but whose starting material becomes richer every day. And last of many projects that have found their way into the aesthetic transformation accomplished by a community (including the historic Communimage or fun Photoshop Tennis ), Kollabor8 Corey Eiseman consists of an online platform where participants arbitrarily modify images added by someone 'other. A few simple rules (including the inability to modify your own images, or a credit system that encourages the active participation premiandola with the possibility of starting a larger number of new lines) implement online what was a classic in another artistic genre-based network, ie the mail art. The continuous re-contextualisation of images with simple modifications or to the deepest, fragmentation, transformation, or harmonies in new contexts, is a fascinating mental distributed, accessible step by step that identifies, by nickname, the different agents involved. In this way, the elements of each permeate those of others, chasing each other in a mixture which becomes a visual dialogue in progress, in which the elements are left untouched by quotations and those introduced constitute the original claims.