The n_Gen Design Machine + Rotactiva, publications automatic on paper.

n_Gen Machine Design

Printing on paper, irrevocably marked by the revolution of 'desktop publishing' in the mid-eighties, continues to evolve in new ways, innovating as they integrations between different media are more simple. But innovation in this field is also expressed through experiments that combine new ideas and advanced calculation capabilities. Proof of this are two software that, in different ways, offer many visions of the future of publishing paper, automatic and collaborative one hand on the other. n_Gen The Design Machine completely free, cross-platform (Mac and PC), produced by Move Design in San Francisco , promises to automate the only process still firmly in the hands of creative, ie the graphic layout. Through a series of basic elements and algorithms that combine them appropriately, with just a pinch of randomness, the software is able to churn out excellent graphics and eclectic. Completely Italian is an amazing program instead of free software released, as is appropriate, under the GPL. Rotactiva , in fact, is designed as a web application, relying on apache, mysql and perl and allows the myriad of documents with multiple people work there at the same time, then saving the creations in PDF or XML. In this way, geographically distributed collaborations can be achieved through a tool that allows you to proddure concrete results and at the same time share doubts and operative notes among participants with external collaborators with potentially limited editing capabilities.