Ghosts messages carved in the form of vortices, beads, shells …


Since the beginning of the twentieth century until today, the artistic research on linguistic codes of written communication reveal strong affinities, though the specific intent are different depending on the means used for the expression. The futurist free word on the board used the 'sign', or typeface, to obtain variously graphic effects and figurative. Between the 60s and 70s, the visual and concrete poetry he gathered while building on the legacy of trade intersemiotic. Were in favor of a communication, activating the different senses of the viewer, they awaken intellectual faculties and mass against the uncritical use of language and semantics against wear. Since then he has continued to work on word and image through television / video poetry /, faxes, and today the traditional postal system online / mail art /, the computer, sometimes creating slippage of meaning from the opera closed to the collective. The Multimedia represented an alternative space of communication and digital in general still offers great possibilities for experimentation. is therefore part of an art of new 'multi-sensory', otherwise interactive, you can frame today Ghosts , digital sculpting dynamics of the British Squidsoup, already famous for the invention of the sound space of encounter and exchange AltZero . This group of artists, musicians and designers reflect on the short lifetime of the textual exchanges via web chat, msn, sms, email, etc. – ghosts, in fact – and, pescandone fragments at random, gives them a new context and a new purpose. The fragments of thought, implementable and auditable chosen by the user, construct geometric figures (calculated with iterative functions) fluid and beautiful as the ones you see in nature (vortex, sphere, shell ..). The intention of the art is, once again, to extend the frontiers of experience.