Metasaxophone Project, a hyper-saxophone.

The addition of electronic features of acoustic instruments allows you to develop the ability to exponentially sound production and make it more thrifty control on the instrument itself. Metasaxophone Project by Matthew Burtner is a project developed since 1997 that adds up to a tenor sax sensors, microphones and signal processors to follow in detail the whole performance through the control signal. So it was implemented a delicate sensitivity to key presses, by means of force controllers, activators and two dimensional accelerometers. Other activators are used to control the execution of external sounds from a hard drive or operate preset banks of the instrument. MIDI is the standard software that carries data, while Max / MSP software is used as a control interface. The prosthesis is then equipped with electronics which this sax becomes possible that a mutation by amplifying the normal functionality, allows extensive use and more conscious. A mutation certainly destined to be repeated for other instruments.