Critical Art Ensemble, fight against absurd charges.

When Steve Kurtz of the Critical Art Ensemble, called 911 (the 113 American), had already seen the death of his wife in his sleep of a heart attack. In the terrible tragedy that had just invested, never would have thought of encountering bureaucratic idiocy police and federal agents before then. These in fact in front of his equipment Biochemical immediately raised their shields against a non-existent bioterrorism, holding in custody for 24 hours, subjecting to seizure of his home and all his equipment, including the equipment last project 'Free Range Grains', consisting of a mobile laboratory that allows to extract the DNA of an organism, useful for testing to certify a possible edible transgenic contamination. Kurtz, associate professor of the Department of Art at the University of New York at Buffalo is a member of the Critical Art Ensemble, one of the artistic collectives with thicker critical technology for more than ten years. Lately the EWC focused on biotechnology and their unspoken technological and economic evolution with projects such as Biohazard and the book 'Molecular Invasion' (reviewed in the interview to the group 'Fuzzy Biological Sabotage' on Neural 20 ). Newly arrived other subpoenas, as well as that for the same Kurtz, and concern Beatriz da Costa, Dorian Burr and Steve Barnes (other members of the EWC), Andrew Johnson and Paul Vanouse, other professors of Buffalo where he collaborated Vanouse in the past with the group and Adel Henderson, director of the Art Department. All measures were made ​​in the name of the infamous Patriot Act and its extensions to biological weapons, and is scheduled for June 15, the first hearing of the case. The reasons of the survey are totally absurd view of the public and declared the group's activities and portend a persecution that seems to be much more political and premeditated that made in defense of the state. At the moment what the legal front (CAE Defense Fund) coalizzatosi around Kurtz and his tragedy calls for voluntary contributions are necessary for the sustenance of the substantial legal costs (including minimum and pourable well as through PayPal) and letters of support to make the necessary pressure with the authorities, including a generic has already been written by Eric Kluitenberg (De Balie) and Amanda McDonald Crowley (ISEA)