Sisters Mary, games for immigrant workers.

Inverting the epic of the famous brothers hydraulic (Super Mario Bros), sisters Mary of the Global Arcade, social gaming is not very recent, rewrites the classic rules of interaction of one of the most popular arcade, to shift the focus on the conditions of subjection of immigrant Silicon Valley taken as maids in deplorable working conditions. The game, in fact, depicts the dangers of stinking fumes of chemicals with lots of enclosed form and more than likely damage to the body, unspoken, workers at recruitment and hard to find documentation nell'obbligatoria exposed to ' inside the company. The sentences handed down by threatening contempt managers are in comics for a few seconds and are an ironic sampling of typical interactions dictated by the rules of power, which, with the rules of the game, there may rebel by reducing and eliminating the torturers, in 'only mode that allows you to earn points and access to the next levels. As assumed in the roles and dynamics, this game is another effective reframing of the interactions of successful video games, applying well-tested mechanisms to social issues that are able to effortlessly carry the contrasts of globalization in everyday living.