Máquina Podrida, computer rotting auction.

The personal computer has a theoretical paradox in its technology that makes the tool is to build digital works of the means of benefiting from them, in a short circuit that the artists tend to physically reside on the same machine. This becomes an object which preserves not only the official career of an artist, but also his tracks, scraps, cuttings, heavy materials drawn inspiration elsewhere and its experienced staff, in addition to the vicissitudes techniques with which it was confronted. The Uruguayan artist Brian Mackern, active since 1994 in a network with low-tech aesthetic dictated by the limited possibilities offered by his country, and the author of the conceptual No-content.org , decided to auction off his laptop pouring now in poor technical condition. The operation is substantially different from those similarly performed by other artists, as there is only an attempt to objectify the digital processes, but put into full play the instrument of work and ten years of work Mackern. The ' Máquina Podrida 'then yes embodies issues such as the organic nature of the digital preservation of electronic works, but it is above a critical piece of the same identity of the artist, sold with all with whom he lived as (accessories, adhesives, defects and gadgets), together with a full backup on dvd. Presented during the last PEAM by the group Los Machín this event runs for a month on the site of Eurobid and has been placed with sufficient irony within the category 'antiquity'.