Jewelcase, represent the physical cd.


If the dematerialization of the musical product, induced from files, network level playing field and put together by the online store is having the generational consequences, such as the gradual erosion of the concept album, the physical object linked to the reproduction of sound continues to have its great charm. The carton that protects the vinyl as well as plastics that shelters the cd keep intact tactile materiality that still has its weight in the purchases of these goods. Among the screen representations of these physical structures there is one particularly effective, developed by the software house Optical Alchemy. It's called Jewelcase , and consists of a plug-in for iTunes that takes advantage of the ability to view the cover of the CD listening, reconstructing a representation of the physical cd, albeit arbitrary in the back and edges. What catches the eye, then it is the familiarity that causes the object's motion reconstructed with our actual experience, effectively connecting the files with their physical referent 'official'. Make this possibility customizable (with their covers, or the back cover and booklet real) would perfect this interface connecting inextricably musical object and its digital representation.