, policy instruments for the information society.

The main occupation of Foundation, a non-profit organization based in Amsterdam, is the creation of 'policy instruments' for the web. The creator of the project , as well as director of the foundation, Professor Richard Rogers of the University of Amsterdam, started from the observation that the major protagonists of dissertations in progress on the web about important social problems come from government (. gov) , by industry (. com) and non-governmental organizations (. org), showing how science (. edu) often play a minor role in these discussions than you might expect. Although the domain not been identified in accordance with the spirit of RFC 'Domain Name System Structure and Delegation', written in 1994 by J. Postel, the acronym conceptual thus comes to signify symbolically the top three social actors involved in debates on issues related to the community:. Gov,. Com,. Org. One of the most important tools carried by the foundation is represented by a software called IssueCrawler, which embodies a search engine designed for server-side view maps of important social issues and gathering, through the analysis of automatic hyperlinks, the arguments based on similarity measures, identifying the organizations that have to deal with the same problems ('issue networks') and then viewing the sets of arguments in circles ('virtual roundtables') and clusters. Another interesting tool is a system based on the technology of collaborative filtering systems, ie intelligent agents that filter the information found on the network, allowing a comparison of the data, and created on the basis of precise filtering tests that answer the question 'What Viagra is and whom-is it (really) for? ', to show in which information about Viagra you may come across a navigator, ultimately influencing the final decision whether or not to consume the product in question.