Goliardie on the frequencies of Burger King.

The student spirit was not born with the technology, but certainly they have been stimulated by the numerous possibilities offered by the frequent invisibility of interlucutori, hidden behind technology representative. Located in Troy, Michigan, in a 'drive-through', a fast food when you order the car through the totems with microphones and speakers, it happened one of the last jokes of this kind, at the time still anonymous. It was reported by the webzine ClickOnDetroit , and consisted nell'immettersi on the frequencies of the totems to provide false answers to the patrons, who felt that answer, 'We have Coca Cola nor other drinks' or who were 'too fat for a Whopper sandwich'. After have noticed the manager of the fast food industry are publicly apologized to customers, announcing that they would change the transmission frequencies, to avoid a repeat of this 'incident'.