Bang the Machine: Computer Gaming Art and Artifacts.

Is in progress at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco Bang the Machine: Computer Gaming Art and Artifacts , an exhibition that confirms the growing interest in the world of art in the culture of video games. Produced in collaboration with the Stanford Humanities Laboratory consists of three different sections that deal with the world of non-commercial production of video games from different aspects. Game Scenes, greater exposure, including SimGallery Katherine Isbister and Rainey Straus, PainStation the Fur, RGB Project by Mauro Ceolin, 'Screenshots' John Haddock, reproductions of moments of contemporary history through isometric typical screens of electronic games, prints linear spaces with distortion curve Shirley Shor, a selection of videos machinima , the reconstruction of the Waco tragedy of C-level, '600 Polygon John Carmack 'a sculpture of velebre programmer Quake made ​​with the same aesthetic of the game,' Carpet Invaders' Janek Simon, the Caucasian rug on which is projected Space Invaders, with original designs are very similar to those of the famous game, 'Budaechigae' Sunny Kim and Paul Johnson, a collaborative game in which avatars of two artists relate in an evolutionary manner as time goes on, the altered 3D characters of Jason Weiner. Game Commons, however, is a section developed through an extensive project Kingdom of Piracy , with three new works by as many artists (Eastwood Real Time Strategy Group, LogicalAnd / and portable [k] ommunity), which celebrate the ethics of this open communication platform, curated by Shu Lea Cheang, Armin Medosch and Yukiko Shikata, which promotes the appropriation of the means to express the importance of the common areas and shared in order to have a significant political development of society Information. Playshop, finally, is the space of the workshop organized by Amy Franceschini Futurefarmers, with measures of the same Fur and Jonah Brucker-Cohen, 'Fingerprint Maze', an interface to transform the fingerprints 3D mazes, as well as seminars on wireless and the Processing language. The same organizer with Richard Mortimer present a series of chemically gameboy powered by energy from a network of lemon trees.