
Conceived as a project pre-opening of the new Mori Art Museum in Tokyo, recently opened, OpenMind is a CD with eight audio tracks and four software, made to represent a cross-section of members of the historical and micruosuoni noise, accompanied by a perfectly ‘ aesthetic essential digital code that looks at the data as a material to be molded. In this system, visual and sound that is systematically roots and symbols of their culture find their precise location glitch, frequencies and sample systematized with skill by Kozo Inada, Masami Akita (Merzbow), Aoki Takamasa and Ryoji Ikeda, long prominent members of the the international scene, as well as the interactive works. The Ages5 & UP, for example, help with SS_Union, a screensaver that levitates, distorting the dimensions, a classic test image for television screens with the current time, scheduling a change of paradigms distorted by means of a classic effect television by unusual behaviors fact enjoy inside a PC. A different approach to Exonemo of which is available fragmental Storm 02, an updated edition of a browser that displays data in a non-linear, with the text that is animated on different levels, in creating an environment graph obtained by stretching dimensional content. Newswatch Ryota Kuwakubo addresses the news channels, extracting the topics, and frammentadoli in individual letters, which fluctuate as denied the gratification of bulimic users of journalistic news always up to date. protable [k] ommunity of S3GA, finally, is a videogame abstract in which the keyboard is transformed into a intracciabile input that activates the animation of microinformations screen coordinates with as many sound vibrations. These artisan pieces of code emphasize the common approach chaotically ordered and logical visionary artists of Japanese, which offer systematically educated and original interpretations of the use and practice of new media.