Isabel Saij, the redundancy of the interaction.

Isabel Saij is a French artist who conducts systematic small experiments in flash and quicktime to expose the redundancy of the interaction and its sides less controllable by the user. His interactive works are small with simple shapes, if not spartan, are confronted with the ambiguity of the rules of interface (wall '11 '), the ability to fool the senses in the perception of kinematic and spatial dislocation (' state of confusion '), the relativity of perspective when it is connected to the mouse position (' pursuit '), the reproductions of natural patterns (' hidden ') and the dissonance of sounds (on '14 so on', 'A-lign'). However, is the thorough examination of the structure of the loop as a metaphor of a circular interaction, repetitive and with no way of escape, that can also be vain to make every start. In 'walking4what', 'no tresspassing' and '12 temptations 'temporal loop conformation of the loop is represented in different ways, as well as the mechanical abstract and immaterial forms that collapse in' tetra ', one of the most successful experiments of' author.