Commodore 64 music.

Nostalgia, memories and reminders of the low-tech of the past. Perhaps none of this has to do with who in the past have had shouldered the archaic rigid plastic boxes pleased aduse technologies and has interfaced with the latest scientific findings of digital music production. After your music collection 64 Input and Output 64 is the turn of advanced institutionalization of the wonders sound of the Commodore 64, one of the most popular home computer in history. The Danes Press Play on Tape , for example, are perhaps the most famous revival band of the same Commodore 64. On their website you will find several mp3 songs, graphics and video, good to realize the group's sound evolved in a position to effectively integrate into the rest of the song sounds original, resulting from the incredible programming SID. This processor, which is the Sound Interface Device chip (MOS 6581), is also an object of worship not only for being the center of a hardware product in its own right as the Sidstation , but also to have held sway among the followers of the old home pc to generate a software emulator format SIDPlug that runs on Windows, Linux and Mac