DJ Spooky remixes 'Birth of a Nation', a masterpiece of silent cinema.

. EMusic

03/01/03 DJ Spooky remixes 'Birth of a Nation', a masterpiece of silent cinema.
During the launch of the platform Creative Commons, Paul Miller aka DJ Spooky presented a video remix of one of the masterpieces of silent cinema, or 'Birth of a Nation' by DW Griffith in 1915. The artist has reaffirmed that its basic idea is that the cinema is 'found cultures', and also why he stressed that the material of its production can be freely redistributed as part of the public domain. Miller has alternated between a short and frenzied introduction with spectacular exploits, such as the one in which he pulled the American flag Adbusters where there are corporate logos instead of stars. The work benefits from the mixing and scratching techniques applied to video with slowdown, accelerations, overlapping textures abstract, stop and loop. The effect is alienating, and the author has promised a full downloadable version of the software with which it was made, so that everyone can realize their remix. After the recent ' ErratumErrata 'ricontestualizzava that some works of Marcel Duchamp, New York DJ proceeds sent to an art that is drinking the principles of dj culture brilliantly combining them the freedom to copy and sharing of information.