The sound cold.

. EMusic

06:12:02 The sound cold.
A refrigerator that uses sound waves to cool. This is the incredible prototype presented by Steven Garrett , professor of acoustic, at Penn State University. The prototype cluttered 38 by 23 centimeters, and inside the pressurized air is stirred by a sound wave of 173 decibels (comparable to 140 decibels of a jet taking off heard from 25 feet away), fortunately not heard from ' external. The same sound wave is responsible for the dilation and expansion of the air, which thus removes heat on the sides of the refrigerator that arrives quickly up to 8 degrees below zero. Not even the secondary ecological implications, as the machine dispensed with completely of gases responsible for the ozone hole. The application of this technology is also possible for the air conditioners, which offers the advantage of adjusting the temperature gradually, instead of flashing on and off, like the traditional ones.