The Market-O-Matic (1.0), critical texts automatic.

. Art

10:12:02 The Market-O-Matic (1.0), critical texts automatic.
Developed by artists technically advanced, The Market-O-Matic (1.0) [fine arts version] is a software with a web interface that generates, starting through the few data and the choice of different parameters, a text critical conducive to a work of digital art. Surprising consistency in the generated text, the operation reveals all the contradictions of bureaucratic public recognition of the works online, and the reward of their respective authors. Freedom of expression and the specific gravity of certain works, it is often penalized by juries and committees of experts, from a lack of communication of some artists, while values ​​less important works, but well 'told'. The art suffers with the media, therefore, in his own system those paradoxes that attempts to denounce its modes of expression. Then they are welcome, works like these, payroll canvassing in laughter mechanisms.