Reed Kram, aesthetic processing.

. Art

12/21/02 Reed Kram, aesthetic processing.
The karma of John Maeda can permeate even his students the fundamental 'Aesthetics and Computational Group at MIT', as demonstrated by this collection of works by Reed Kram in what was one of the laboratories for testing aesthetics of media communication of more advanced ' last decade. The investigations of Kram analyzed the relationship between interfaces and social conventions, perception and representation simulated as in 'Flatland, where a freehand drawing with the mouse is re-traced by rotating the point of view in three dimensions, or Hidden, where representations binary are mixed to only dragging the mouse, or in 'Speech' the minimal word processor that reads the typed letters on the keyboard. The sound had its display models as 'MidiVis', a project to display all the components of streams for simultaneous Midi and 'Transducer', a way to visualize sound sources through different diameter cylinders and different movement .. Are studies dating back to years not suspect (1996-1998), but strategically important and, at times, visionaries, to contemporary developments.