PDPal, public art PDA.

. Art

05:11:02 PDPal, public art PDA.
Although still in the 'alpha' development PDPal is an interesting public art software for PDA (Personal Digital Assistant). Powered by Scott Paterson, Marina Zurkow and Julian Bleecker, PDPal allows users to exchange maps pictographic editable, so that you can enrich with notes and additions, making a cross-section of the concrete and participated in daily urban experience. Leveraging the technologies of infrared network, the program, which interfaces with a cartoony 'urban park ranger', such Malewski, will in the next version tracking the exchange of maps around the world, allowing even upload maps specific directly from PDPal server. The conventional understanding of 'maps' and geographical concepts are redefined in the light of 'emotional coordinates' that users engage within the limits of the territory, rewriting a city of experiences. Inspired also by the 'Invisible Cities' by Italo Calvino this work is a GPS that uses instead of latitude and longitude, the user's personal reference points all. Currently testing embrace Manhattan with ten urban park rangers specialize in many neighborhoods.