CYNETart_02, art in real time.

. Art

08:11:02 CYNETart_02, art in real time.
It was inaugurated on September 7 in Dresden (Germany), the sixth edition of CYNETart international festival of computer-based art, this year dedicated to 'Realtime & Presence, Composition of virtual environments' with an investigation into the relationship between the movement of the body human and virtual environments generated digitally, paying attention to how a creative dialogue with a real-time digital media can sensitize our perception of human presence. In addition to various interactive installations above all with the presence of the visitor, there are many expected performance will do the following: 'De Humani' of the Ventura Dance Company, an exploration of the interior of the human body with the movements of the dancer that generate sounds, 'rotobossophon ', with Andres Bosshard, Heinz Günter and Jan-Peter Sonntag, a machine that extracts moving other speakers in addition to the four controllable which is fitted by crimping the sound space, '4 Hands' Merlier Bertrand and Jean-Marc Duchenne that manipulate sounds and images tracing the sophisticated choreography made of hand movements, 'Creation of the World – experimental (Anti) Opera' by Michael E. Edgerton, an all-inclusive analysis of the models applied to the life of every day, 'Acht_Motiv_Acht' Hartmut Dorschner, Jo Siamon Salich, Thomas Plöntzke, Udo Zickwolf which invites the use of the human body as a tool that assembles sounds and views, and finally ' microscope sessions', VJing with Perfomance Person, Tenteki, Eyecon, Huma, Huma Post and 'Areal' a show of granular synthesis.