Activists save webcafes Madrid.

. Hacktivism

28.11.02 Activists save webcafes Madrid.
Cyberpunk is a website of Spanish activists who got an important victory in their free access to the network. The members of editorial of the website have discovered the plans of the President of the Community of Madrid, who wanted to introduce a bill to classify webcafes citizens as 'casino', so sbarrandone access to persons under twenty years (access already very low), and repentagli putting in their sustenance, as has already happened in similar cases in the north of the country. Despite skepticism about the success of the operation, the components of cyberpunk have proven adept leveraging the network for communication and involving numerous people not involved in the affairs of the network. So Gallardón has announced that it will not support the bill, probably impressed by the impressive mobilization of people taken in no time. One of the most effective methods was to the door to door, pioneered by David Teira, one of the founders of the site that explained how such a decision would endanger the future of the boys also cut off from the public network. Always Tiera argues that "the movement of digital rights is not politically important as long as is expressed only through the network, as we need to involve ordinary people, door to door and face to face."