ISEA 2002 and Orai of digital.

. Art

29.10.02 ISEA 2002 and Orai of digital.
The ISEA (International Symposium on Electronic Art) was chosen as the location for its 2002 edition , opened on October 27, the city of Nagoya (Japan). The chosen theme is 'Orai', a Japanese word that means movement, communication and contact, as well as roads and traffic, and expresses the chaotic beauty that overlook the hundreds guests present, including presentations, shows and performances. Among the latter are those provided by Mark Amerika with its Filmtext 2.0 ( see ) and the 'DJ I, Robot Sound System'. Also crowded the exhibition of works of electronic art that includes works of various kinds, installations, sculptures, interactive to the net and web art, such as Scott Draves, with its 'Electric Sheep' ( see ), Gebhard Sengmüller with 'Welcome to the World of VinylVideo ', Squidsoup with' altzero 4 '( see ) and Room with 'The Central City and the Inner City ( see ). Among the speeches and presentations in the program of presentations can be found Roy Ascott 'Making Sense of Orai', Annabel Frearson 'BaudriR: who owns this text?' (qv) , Mark Tribe 'Rhizome as Social Sculpture', Timothy Murray + Arthur Kroker + Marilouise Kroker 'CTHEORY MULTIMEDIA: Wired Ruins / Digital Terror and Ethnic Paranoia' ( see ).