Text generators, and DadaDodo Blog Drone.

. Art

04:09:02 generators text, DadaDodo and Blogs Drone.
The amount of textual data exchanged at any time on the network continues to tickle the interest of programmers in the mood to create server-side applications able to extract the fundamental elements (words) to dynamically construct new ways possible, in an unpredictable way. DadaDodo ( Exterminate All Rational Thoughts) by Jamie Zawinski is, for example, a history, which ranks the words by probability of frequency and consequently generates random phrases, sometimes in full-nonsense, sometimes revealing hidden meanings of the terms used. The program runs on the web via a script in cgi, but its code for unix you can freely download and modify to suit your needs. Blogs Drone , Michal Zalewski, instead, use a specific engine and a database of phrases borrowed from DiaryLand.com and blog.pl to emulate a appasdionato blog from a few key words to be inserted, and offers you the chance to download and manage your entire database in English and Polish.