Crush Tsunamii.Net Server, suicide of a webserver.

. Art

12:09:02 Crush Tsunamii.Net Server, suicide of a webserver.
It was concluded at 19:00 on September 12, the 'suicide' programmed webserver stationed at . The machine is physically present in the Millbank Gallery in London has set up at this hour, after a countdown lasted days, the press by the force of 150 tons within which it was placed, ending his existence. The project, managed by Tsunamii.Net, symbolically makes the autousufficienza, for now only induced, machines and their potential for a performance interface that emulates the drama of the final decision to terminate their existence, through an automatic programmed before. On the site you can read all the technical specifications, but it is the image of the helpless webcam that has ruthlessly taken all that impresses the conscience, managing to make another aspect of anthropomorphic machines.