Atomic Music.

. EMusic

17:09:02 Atomic Music.
Scientific research has a different face since experiments and theories can be shared through a publication that is informal and fruita heard by a wider community, wider than the narrow academic circles. In this way even the most daring and visionary perspectives can be viewed comfortably from other professionals and enthusiasts. This is exactly the case of work " Composing for an Ensemble of Atoms: The Metamorphosis of Scientific Experiment into Music , "a publication prepared by the American Bob L. Sturm which makes her the assumption of quantum mechanics according to which a particle can be considered as a particle, in fact, both as a waveform. The interaction with the sound production makes conceivable, therefore, the musical composition through un'opportuno directing of atoms. The sound, in fact, may also be generated as a system of particles that modifying produce different shades. The technique of composition may be assumed to understand the musical universe through a completely different perspective. For now, the physical has compiled a simulation in C + + language with very narrow limits, obtaining credible results, shown in a file. Pdf downloadable from its website. The author argues that it is only a matter of time before a particle accelerator can be used as an instrument of expression, and the particle physicist to guide him so assume the role of composer-scientist.