Siggraph 2002 computer festival art.

. Art

23:07:02 Siggraph 2002 computer festival art.
It was inaugurated a few days' s 2002 edition of Siggraph , one of the most ambitious festival of computer art and digital creativity in the broadest sense, which includes the United States talents from all over the world. Although characterized by a strong focus on the animations in computer graphics, shown in the Electronic Theatre, the Siggraph is a very important for the whole community of electronic artists. Also this year a section was explicitly dedicated to web art, with a selection that included works by Mark America ('FIlmtext'), Brooke Singer (see Self-Portrait (v2.0). ), and English Room (see Inner City, the organic nature of the digital city. ), while among the 'worker artist' invited include the author of TextArc (see TextArc, net art literary display. ) and a space in vrml (electroscape 001) of ' procedural architecture 'developed by Fabric and lab [au]. Among the conferences, finally, we point out: 'Digital Humans: What Roles Will They Play?', 'Games: the Dominant Medium of the Future' with JC Hertz and 'Identity and Control on the Net' with a speech by Esther Dyson .