Goodworld, the web packed.

. Art

23:07:02 Goodworld, the web packed.
Inspired by the famous Bulgarian artist Christo, who from the sixties to today bundled, among other structures cliffs and buildings (such as the Reichstag, the German parliament), the artist Lew Baldwin has realized the work of net art Goodworld is included in the section Artport the Whitney Museum. The concept brought forward is the same, namely entangled structures, hiding them with something light (the tissues in the case of Christo) but leaving guess the shape. Perhaps referring to the same critical interpretation, pointing out that the parodosso consumption through the packing of goods, the author ideally packed the contents of web pages, reinterpreting leaving active only the colors and replacing the images of abstract compositions of their dominant pixels , obtained using the Ming library of PHP programming thanks to Charlie Killian, while the text is replaced by 'smiles' in ascii. A net work of art, this, that cancels the bombardment of advertising windows pop-ups and animations that are springing up among the contents, unifying them in a style that unites them in collective abstraction, aesthetically simple and entrancing as the technologies that are the base and the spirit that led the realization: that of a Good World.