Penalized U.S. libraries that do not censor their content.

. Hacktivism

09:05:02 penalized U.S. libraries that do not censor their content.
The oldest group for the defense of civil liberties U.S., the ' American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) , filed a lawsuit against the U.S. government for cutting funding to those public libraries that have not yet affixed to the filter their network access. This restriction comes from the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) approved by the U.S. Congress in 2001 that required all schools and libraries that wanted to receive exclusive discounts in the payment of their access to the network to install software capable of blocking obscene content. The fallacy of this software has been demonstrated several times, with the inability to distinguish between a porn site and one doctor or poetry that use terms like 'breast' in the texts published. Half of the agencies involved have installed the software indicated ('Bess', the International Data Corp. Corp N2H2), which now has twelve million users. Other scandalous aspect of the software is to collect browsing data of all its users and retransmission, according programmers anonymously to the house of software. For $ 15,000 a year schools can receive detailed reports of their activities in a network with 'estimates' of age and race of individual users.