Clipit!, Share 'copy and paste' with the rest of the network.

. Art

10:05:02 Clipit!, Share 'copy and paste' with the rest of the network.
Clipit! is a free downloadable software that allows you to share network with other users the contents of your clipboard. The project functions as automatic electronic post-it that are meant to provide an idea of ​​the daily activity on personal than other people. The functions of 'copy' and 'paste' are ubiquitous in modern graphical interfaces of computers and have become so embedded into the daily work that their absence would have an immediate impact on our working methods. The software, available for Mac and Pc, acts in the background showing all the respective contents of the clipboard, thus opening up a 'link' environmental activities of someone else. It is an intrusion authorized in thought processes and selection information of other users of the network, an activity that does outline a real-time movement of personal data that represents information so important that it should be played, and as a result , redundant in the rest of the network.