Chromatic, software for surveillance cameras that 'expected' behavior.

. Hacktivism

10:05:02 Chromatic, software for surveillance cameras that 'expected' behavior.
Sergio Velastin researcher Kingston University London has developed a software, renamed Chromatic, which in its intentions would improve security in public transport system already extensively equipped with surveillance cameras. The software currently being experimented in Liverpool Street station, also in London, detects differences in the image that the camera shoots standard, so a change of background color can be a crowd of people, which can congest the same traffic, while a lot of movement may indicate a fight. Other possibilities mentioned by its creator indentificare are those of the vagabonds and suitcases abandoned, in addition to probable suicides who jump on the tracks. In fact the only possible help they can provide is to help in the sorting of information to which the controllers are subjected at times controlling 25 cameras simultaneously. Have already experienced the failures of the cameras as a means of surveillance (see Surveillance cameras, unnecessary and approved. ), and just such cases are taken for example from Liberty Critics, an association that also raises important questions as "If it is a software to observe the behavior patterns of dangerous, who will decide what can be defined as such? ". Worldwide, there are approximately 25 million surveillance cameras, closed circuit television (CCTV) and one-tenth of these are in operation in the UK.