With Rubi 2002 convention hacking and security.

. Hacktivism

With Rubi 05:04:02 2002 convention hacking and security.
Begins April 5 the Rubi By 2002 , an American convention on the safety and hacking that takes place annually around Detroit that wants to be a meeting point for the international community of hackers and security experts. Among the distinguished guests include the presence of Jeff Moss aka Dark Tangent, the founder of Def Con and Black Hat, two of the conferences of this type most closely watched in the United States, Richard Forno dell'Internic former Chief Security Officer, Jason Scott the project manager 'BBS textfiles', an archive with information on 90,000 BBS and the ongoing project 'BBS Documentary', a documentary on the scene of the 80s American, and Jenn Vesperman coordinator LinuxChix a crowded online forums dedicated to women (and men) who use Linux. Encryption, viruses, GPS systems, security protocols such as IPsec, organizations free software like DotGNU, tunneling, port scanning, peer-to-peer and voice over IP are part of the other topics covered during the whole weekend.