Ogg Vorbis for hi-fi and pda + Muse 0.7.

. EMusic

22:04:02 Ogg Vorbis for hi-fi and pda + Muse 0.7.
Ogg Vorbis , Free size (free software) audio compression is gaining more and more ground in the battle and legitimacy of the industry standard. To take advantage of the best software for compressed audio was the MP Sharp Technologies who presented the MPST Digital Jukebox, a component for hi-fi systems that can encode an entire CD into your hd 30 GB, as well as download material from the Internet through a simple remote control and a LCD display which runs a java browser for Linux, at a cost of about $ 1,000. But also Zaurus, the PDA based on Linux has its application which makes it to all effects a 'portable Ogg Vorbis'. This is the TCKPlayer that produced by 'theKompany.com' costs only $ 10. Last but not least, another proud supporter of Ogg Vorbis is undoubtedly MuSE (Multiple Streaming Engine) software for multiple streams developed by a team coordinated by Jaromil and now in version 0.7 called 'Exodus'. Among the new features include a new GTK + interface, and several major technical improvements.