HyPoem, hyperpoesia typography.

. Art

05:04:02 HyPoem, hyperpoesia typography.
HyPoem is the work of 'typographic hyperpoetry' Austrian Joerg Piringer, which has created an environment in java dynamic and interactive and capable of dealing with the text so graphically and significantly different. The four poems ('maschine', 'questions!', 'Abweich' and 'arithmetik') best illustrate the interaction between words and their possible associations active in constantly fluctuating and transformation, creating visual interest groups and with a soundtrack made of samples from the media reports that comply with the above subject. This type of electronic literature exploits another chance dell'ipermedialit and what? the visual manipulation of text, changing rapidly associations in real time, while stimulating even phonetically, with appropriate fittings, part of meanings and sounds that you want to relate.