, net art time.

. Art, Patrick Bernier, Jean-Noil Lafargue
25.02.02, net art time.
It was presented yesterday at the offices of The Thing in New York ' ', a project commissioned by Grégoire de Maisonneuve and the fruit of the collaboration of Patrick Bernier and Jean-Noil Lafargue. It is a series of works of net art, donated by the respective artists that are characterized by the interface that allows access based on a clock that launches them alternately one every twenty minutes. Un'heavy rotation that follows the radio, but hinting the perception of time according to a different model scanned as 'regular'. This diverts our perceptions on a regular rhythm, no more impatient and hungry (waiting for data that never goes away and immediately begins), but with a regularity that is defined by circadian neologism 'clockcasting'.