Love is four letter word.

. Art

08:01:02 Love is four letter word.
The first issue of the electronic magazine Atomic Attack, made ​​in Hong Kong, is dedicated to monographically net works by local artists and designers on the theme ' Love is four letter word ', where love means pain, joy, or nothing. Brief interventions in flash characterize the experiments of Chinese artists, sarcasm 'From uncle I with love' (pictured) of Yousuke Abe, '14 'to Masahito Ankazawa, and' The Love Machine 'by Calvin Ho, to the poetry of 'The Most Painful Distance in the World' by Irene Chan, or philosophically poignant 'Your Eyes' by David You. In the mini-exhibition of photographs are also ('We Love This Place' by Edith Pong), and digital images ( 'Love Has No Substance' of Drafus Chow, 'Flow' Saw-Wo, 'Milky Elephant' by Eun-Ha Paek). Very nice, finally, 'The Innocence' Akihiro Hikegoshi, a video in quicktime animation which launches in a few seconds the icons of the main stages of life, until his death.