Communication work and citizenship post-Fordist age.

. Hacktivism

1.11.02 Communication work and citizenship in the age postfordist.
Saturday and Sunday at the Sala dei Consoli, the Guelph palace in Florence, will host the conference 'Communication work and citizenship in the age post-Fordist'. Saturday interventions Massimiliano Guareschi ('Individual, singularity, constitution of the collective'), Gianluca Bonaiuti ('Secession molecular endemic as a parody of modernity'), Dimitri D'Andrea ('Politics and sovereignty between globalization and post-Fordism') and Gabriella Paolucci ( 'The temporal contraction in the post-modern society'). On Sunday attended by Claudio Parrini (in the picture, 'The concept of know-visibility in the search on the net'), Raf 'valve' Scelsi ('Digital rights in the era of post-Fordism') and Tommaso Tozzi ('Hacktivism').