Casting a Net

. Art

07:12:01 Casting a Net
Inaugurated a few days as exposure in a physical space, ' Casting a Net 'is a selection of based on excellence of the work rather than on a specific theme. Order the selected works (all accessible via links) are: 'Never Wake Up', Agricola de Cologne, a film for original images flash on the absurdity of war, 'Filter' Lou Janesco, a watercolor that are a click away editing shadows and colors in looping, 'Thought Generator' v 2.3 H-Ray Heine, an automatic generator of sentences, 'The Grid' by Brian Judy, a dynamic grid with vanishing points and direction linked to other abstract figurations, ' Leroy ', an animated short flash of Robyn Johnson Ross,' Rush Hour 'by Allyson Kapin, a flash video sequences with variable speed and texts mounted at the top of the pane that squeak or interpret the environment of a subway,' Grasping at Bits 1.1 'Patrick Lichty, a hypertext essay on art and intellectual control in the digital age,' Central City 'of Room (pictured), a prospectus and navigable three-dimensional of a city where every building is linked an experimental work on geometry and color of the author, and 'The Philosophy Of Phyllis Innus The blankest', Judson Wright another phrase generator in javascript drawn from a vocabulary of 100 phrases with philosophically intriguing results.