(Italiano) Digitized Bodies/Virtual

. Art

29.10.01 Digitized Bodies / Virtual Spectacles.
It was inaugurated a few days at the Ludwig Museum in Budapest (Hungary), 'Digitized Bodies / Virtual Spectacles' , an event consists of exhibitions and conferences on the transformation of preconceived representation of the human body under the influence of medical technology. A notion in this ever changing and in direct connection with the digitization of our culture. The exhibition includes the work of ten artists, most of which are accessible from the links of the site, who were able to marry artistic research and adequate medical knowledge. It is 'Embryogenesis of Breath' Jack Butler, who shows his artistic career by imitating the process of creation of human life, 'The Blood of Poets' (pictured) Kevin Clarke, which combines the methods of sequencing advanced DNA with photographic images; 'Trans-E: My Body, My Blood' Diana Domingues, interactive simulation of a cave that wants to reflect the states of a shamanic trance; 'GFP Bunny', by Eduardo Kac, the famous white rabbit (called Alba) undergoes an operation of genetic engineering does illuminate green in certain lighting conditions, 'The Tissue Culture and Art Project (TC &A;)' Oron Catts, Ionat Zurr & Guy Ben-Ary, a program of research and development of tissues intended as an artistic medium; 'Orlan' homonymous French artist who documented in its pages the surgical operations carried out artistically on his body, 'Frontiers of Utopia' by Jill Scott, which focuses on the concept of 'utopia' encouraged by the technology in contemporary society, through eight female figures representing various decades of the twentieth century; Stelarc with his official website that showcased his impressive work of prosthetic constructions and physical extents; 'Possessed' by Louise Wilson, in which sat on a bench by psychoanalyst you are face to face with a monitor showing an MRI of the brain with a hypnotic narration in the background, the work of Alexa Wright, including 'Skin 2000' with portraits of people who suffer from severe skin conditions. They are part of the program also includes two performance 'Would You digitalize Your Soul?' Tanja Ostojic and 'Corporeal' of Atau Tanaka, and 'Wired Body / Mediated Body' an international selection of videos on the subject.