Sound sculptures.

Re.sound is a sound sculpture (also playable in some examples on the web) created by the artist Jody ELFF for the Moving Image Gallery in New York. Through a Mac G4 suitably concealed and Max, a graphical programming environment, the background noise generated by the movements and sounds of these products is accidentally transformed into musical responses with large variations. The author of the opening of the exhibition was hidden behind the scenes turning up the volume so that the usual mundane chatter were dominated by the sounds emitted by his work, and making sure that each new entered the room it produced a characteristic sound, recognized by others . Even two cymbals (real) were shaken by frequencies below audibility and everything was illustrated in real time with a spectrograph which displayed frequencies emitted. ELFF was, among other things, sound engineer for the show 'Songs and Stories from Moby Dick' by Laurie Anderson.