Tag Archives: emusic

9Dots, sound communication grid.


A timeline made by a series of grids of 3×3 points. This is the first sight of 9Dots, an experimental project presented at the web flash festival 2006. It’s an audio/visual device implemented by Pierre Delmas

DeBreath, the breathless plug-in.


“Breathing is something singers seem to insist on doing…” according to what the software house Waves claims presenting its new plug-in DeBreath. Thus, in order to solve this annoying inconvenient, digital technology has created this application

Abe & Mo Sing the Blogs.

Abe & Mo Sing the Blogs

While Internet population has already started asking if Web 2.0 is getting boring because of all its services and plugins, net artists keep exploring all the alternatives offered by blogs as

Monome, the sequencer gesture.


The sequencer, meant as content editing interface, has already gone too far from the cultural nexus with the musical production, becoming a symbolic archetype that structures digital informations. One of the phenomena it has generated is

Pianolina, the interactive piano.


Visiting the official website of a traditional piano-making company like Grotrian, you will be surprised by the presence of what is simply called ‘game’, the Pianolina, that is instead a real digital musical instrument. The invitation