Author Archives: Chiara Ciociola

About Chiara Ciociola

About the author....lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur facilisis lacus nulla, sollicitudin ultrices ligula. Sed lacus urna, vestibulum ut imperdiet vitae, tincidunt vulputate nunc. In aliquam, nisi eget vulputate vestibulum, quam leo placerat lorem, non rutrum nibh nisl ac.

Fabricmachine, sound tissues


Fabric is often measured by touch. When sliding textiles through fingers, the thickness of the yarn and the distance between the plot and the horde cause various sensations; the heaviness of soft wool or

ISEA2010 RUHR report


Check the ISEA2010 photo set here (140 pictures).

The 2010 edition of the “nomadic” ISEA (International Symposium on Electronic Art) was even more nomadic this year, traveling through three cities: Essen, Dortmund (where the core