Deptford.TV Diaries

Deptford.TV Diaries

Book – OpenMute – ISBN 9780955479601
Public space is a “common” and “common” has to be its representation / interpretation. This seems to be the the inspired ground rule of the Depford.TV unique initiative here extensively documented in a printed book format. At the core there are different implementations and visions of the sharing concept, applied to a controversial territory, using any media necessary and their integration and interrelation. A handful of collectives ( media lab,,, Liquid Culture and Goldsmith College) have spent some time together in the Deptford area (south-east London), whose regeneration they questioned under the lens of their cameras. With Debord and Bey serving as inspiring theorists and Jaromil as exemplar practicer, here the conceptual and digital processing of a territory by a community takes place. Collaborative filming, sharing strategies at 360 degrees (from GPL principles to the Pirate Bay anarchy), and challenging concepts like CAN (Community Area Network) or peer-to-peer television has finally filled a database containing edited and unedited material. But the process, and even more this documentation, remains as the most important result, as a valuable resource that would disseminate similar and improved interventions all around other urban areas.