Read Only Memory, mixing machinic and organic elements

Read Only Memory

A 630-680 mm laser scanning device and a couple of disposable contact lenses. These are the needed tools for tuning Read Only memory, an installation by Judith Fegerl. The visualization of the lived experiences, recorded in memory, wearing the lenses during the day, is obtained with the laser scan. This laser works thanks to the joined action three elements: the monochromatic light, the organic sediments on the lenses and their mechanical distortion. It enables on the convex surface of the visual prothesis the making of abstract patterns. These patterns are complex and detailed but continuously reread and re-interpreted as a recorded and visible element. In this way the lens’ primary function is altered, and it is transformed from a visual adjuvant prothesic element to a generating source of images, originated from the contact and the interaction with the organic body. Some of the Fegerl’s work highlights are the mixture of machinic and organic elements and the reconstruction of of one’s own perceptive processes, used as a base for the personal experience. Read Only memory through the investigation of territories that could lead to new self-expressive methods, evolves not only as a ‘construction’ or an installation, but especially thanks to the sensorial reactions of its public.

Francesca Tomassini