Naked bandit / here, not here / white sovereign.

Naked bandit / here

The 'war on terror' (war of terror) has implemented, among other disasters, new principles of territorial sovereignty possible by the spatial extension of global communications. The hold 'enemies outlaw' with the total negation of the possibility of independent action becomes a prerogative of a few states that have an overflowing absolute power in areas of international law is, changing the characteristics of the subjects pursued legal. On these principles has been developed Naked bandit / here, not here / white sovereign of Knowbotic Research, an installation that allows visitors to intervene in this process through a simple interface, dealing with human rights and citizenship often prevented people to margins of society. The 'white sovereignty' is represented by a tiny airship autonomous robot pointing to balloons floating blacks oblong and visitors, as its target. The processes of spatial dependence are implemented in software that runs on unix shell through a parent process that controls a child process. The latter must continually bring his presence (here) and can not ever formally take initiatives nor escape (not here). The apparent paradox of this dependence in a 'limbo' extraterritorial and formal mechanisms of power that is capable of indefinitely excluded from the coverage of a subject company to which it belongs by including it in an abstract status and stuffy are undermined by a few exceptions contained in the software. The changes in the processes autogeneratisi describe an abstract schema, but that can light up through the hierarchy of the software violated alternative perspectives to the succubus submission.