Flyt dig, software to play the sense of movement.

Flyt dig

Ole Kristensen, a young Danish artist, divides his time between studies (Interactive Media at the University of Roskilde Cophenagen) and the development of interactive interfaces. Ole favors the development of applications in which the graphics are composed as a result of the interaction between user and code, and one of his most popular is definitely ' Flyt dig 'in which the interaction between computers and movement. It is an application that thanks to the use of a web cam, records the movements (for example, moving images of a film to the TV) and transforms them into inputs that are processed by the computer and from these expressed in graphical form. The software developed by Kristensen is based on the use of advanced OpenGL graphics library that has allowed, for the last few years, very high levels of realism in animation. The designs that stem appear to be rather minimal, almost sketchy, but their main feature is to be found in the ability to reproduce the sense of a movement and then to return us a summary of the action. The proposed interpretation postulates the conclusion that Flyt dig constitutes, in the final analysis, a model for the reworking of narrative in key graphics, almost a reverse process: from the video to the first sketches of a story board.