Telephony, interactions between artificial sounds.


The sound communication, of which the voice is only a part, is one of the sensory components essential for the human being. The ecosystem hearing that the machines have created the industrial revolution is a more intricate and interconnected body of sound waves emitted by artificial systems programmed ad hoc. In particular, the mobile communication (one of the few real technological breakthroughs with high social impact of the end of last century) produced sound booster unexpectedly involved in public with voice interaction that ensues, often with all the unnaturalness that accompanies . To synthesize these themes Telephony Thomson & Craighead, creators of Dot-store , Model Behaviour and Remote , which allows visitors to take action on a grid of 42 Siemens mobile phones, calling one which, in turn, generates a reaction melodic chain, since the phones each with a different ring tone. In addition to the room of the gallery is a laptop with software that analyzes the speech spectrum to determine the sincerity (a kind of lie detector). It periodically reports the alleged state of 'sincerity', in fact, a clock which announces the time in speech synthesis. The level of truth suggested by the software against the constructed item from time to time by the clock places the emphasis on the simulation that the machines inject in everyday life, while the melody is externally induced only a conjuncture of gestures orchestrated in advance . But the combination of sounds artificially generated with the analysis of a speech temporal describes a continuous interaction between partially autonomous machines capable of refracting the sounds through their software in a defined environment.