Silver Cell, shield the phone.

Silver Cell

The control on the flow of signals that surround us and through the co-ordinates of our body is increasingly complex and elusive. The logs that record our actions and movements are numerous and intertwined are an advanced control on our person. But stopping the flow between their devices and the outside is not an easy task, given that the mechanisms that will oversee are most often concealed and incomprehensible to the user. Cell phones such as transmit control signals with the spatial coordinates to the respective provider without any permission from the user, sometimes even when the unit is turned off. A block is metaphorically these prerogatives Silver Cell Aram Bartholl, a small pouch that shields completely transmissions of the device. The material used for this purpose is a polyamide fabric coated with silver which remains transparent, but which ensures the full insulation of the device acting as a Faraday cage. In this way there is no way to be identified when not using the phone, freeing dell'appiccicoso provider control with a legitimate protection. Claim your silence, then, as well, just as critical of their own invisibility electronics is a fundamental right, which promises to be more and more important and that should be seriously protected by appropriate legislation.