Poétrica-Teleintervention, advertisements literal in the advertising space.

Held online from October 14 to November 8 Poétrica-Teleintervention is an operation of poetry in public spaces, rather than make clear and unintelligible, choose to express themselves with symbolic font, and therefore not phonetic. Messages are sent via web, WAP or SMS, made through the above-mentioned background graphic graphically and displayed simultaneously through three different bright billboards located in the center of São Paulo, around the Galeria Vermelho, between the Paulista avenues, and Rebouças Consolation. The circle closes with remote viewing of the same user that he could see what is happening in the city as many carioca through webcam, after being advised of the timing of the transmission by e-mail. For now it remains a gallery of all the contributions that synthesize meanings through graphic signs disconnected from their original places of production and transmission, which moreover dematerializzano the medium causing the interface constitutes in the end the message. The project will continue in various incarnations until February in the exhibition P0es1s the Culture Forum in Berlin.