La langue if charge (The tongue is loaded), touching words.

You can give tactile sensations with the words and the voice? In this fascinating hypothesis was built La langue if charge (The tongue is loaded) is an experiment in shockwave that tries to relate the text, space, time and sound. The words extruded in a space created with tridemnsionale shockwave, rotate in a smooth rotation of colors accompanied by a hail of telephone sounds and by a single abstract loop of a mouth that speaks. The space waterway (waterway with some buttons) defines its temporal coordinates, letting the terms fluctuate un'indefinito black space, a limbo in which communication has its physical form, ready to dematerialize once again in reality. Michaël Sellam, author of _Pause and Seasons , for this work was inspired by the little-known and short text 'The Image' by Samuel Beckett, of which there is only the original version in French.