'I Know Where Bruce Lee Lives', playful sequencer themed video.

. Art

08:01:03 'I Know Where Bruce Lee Lives', playful sequencer themed video.
If the sequencer music-toy, more or less playful abound, with mixed results, eni demo of the websites most stylish of divertissement for filmic sequences and loops not have been produced in quantity. To regenerate the category is a bit 'online' I Know Where Bruce Lee Lives ', a hilarious sequencer that allows keyboard cluttering the screen of icons (in sequence filmed or not) of the filmography of the unforgettable master of martial arts. The rapidity of the scenes, along with the background sound effects and is coupled with the care in the rendering of the typical atmosphere of these films, including characters played by a carefully written. Although it is a fun product, 'I Know Where Bruce Lee Lives' is a means to break the seriality of the memories of a film by challenging narrative and script, in order to share empathically accents recognizable style freeze-dried in the levels of flash.